If you want to share with us an interesting story of helping Ukrainians - Poles during the war, write to us - we will be happy to hear you!

“We forget about heroes because they were Ukrainians”. Szabłowski reveals unknown side of the Volyn massacre”.

Witold Szabłowski depicted in his book the stories of Ukrainians who were saving Poles during the Volyn massacre. – It […]

“Ukrainians know hardly anything about the Volyn massacre”

– Knowledge about the Volyn massacre is scant in Ukraine. The locals who could know something about it disclaimed this […]

The Ukrainian justice who saved Poles

– We will kill all Poles! – remembers the cries of Ukrainian nationalists one of the would-be victims from the […]

See also

A few words...

Pro publico bono differently pro bono (Latin) - for public good, for the public good.

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  • Idealnie by było, gdyby mówienie o tragicznych wydarzeniach sprzed lat nie wpływało na kształt bieżących relacji międzyludzkich
  • Teza, jakoby stanem wojny można wytłumaczyć wszystkie okrucieństwa na ludności cywilnej – jest błędna. To było ludobójstwo i tak powinno być traktowane